Posts in healing
Male Leadership (Aligning The Head of the Family With The Rest Of The Body)

There is a lot of pressure in marriages on men to be the leader and on women to be submissive to their husband’s authority. Both wives and husbands can struggle with what this really should look like and it can lead to pointing fingers toward who isn’t doing their job well enough. Let’s take the pressure off and help everyone live up to the way God designed them.

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How God Used Narcissists In The Bible (And Will Your Marriage To a Narcissist Last?)

Have you wondered how your marriage to someone with narcissistic traits is going to work out? What did God do with narcissists in the Bible? Find out how God uses the difficult people in our lives to show us how rich his love for us is.

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How To Prevent Your Child From Becoming A Narcissist (Even If They Are Being Raised By One)

I get this question a lot: My child’s other parent is a narcissist, and I’m starting to see some of that parent’s traits in my child - how can I help my child avoid becoming a narcissist? The answer is surprisingly simple. Let's take a look.

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Honoring Parents When They Don't Deserve It

The Bible says “honor your father and mother” - but what if they aren’t honorable? What if they don’t deserve it? Is there an exception to that command? And, if not, how do you honor someone who isn’t honorable? And how do you teach your children to do the same?

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When Communication Fails In A Relationship (What's REALLY The Problem?)

What if the communication problem in your relationship isn’t really a problem with communication at all? Find out whether the problem lies much deeper, and get 6 tips on how to communicate in your situation.

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Parenting Teens (You’ll Incite Rebellion If You Do This)

A rebellious child and a strenuous marriage can both be linked to the same underlying problem. Get an understanding of what’s at the root of the problem and discover how boundaries and healthy relationships affect the success of your parenting and your marriage.

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How to Deal with a Narcissist (You’re Doing It Wrong)

So the narcissist in your life has you spinning and you need some tips on how to deal with a narcissist. No matter what you say you can’t get through to him. You can’t reason with him. You can’t get him to understand your perspective. And it’s upsetting. You’ve been trying to deal with the narcissist in all the wrong ways (obviously). Here is the best way to deal with a narcissist.

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Why The Boundaries Approach? (And Not the More Love Approach?)

Why take a boundaries and consequences approach to helping marriages instead of a love and kindness approach? Because it works! Here’s how the right approach can save you years of misery and unsuccessful attempts to have a good marriage.

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The One Question That Reveals What’s Wrong in a Marriage (And it’s not a marriage problem)

Are you a pastor or counselor who would like one simple question to ask that will reveal what’s wrong in a marriage? The answer to this question will forever change how you counsel couples. You can’t counsel unhealthy marriages as though they have the capacity to be healthy. Here’s what you should do instead.

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Answer The Questions That Keep You Up At Night (And Heal The Trauma)

When life doesn’t go as planned, it’s easy to beat ourselves up for what went wrong. Why did that happen? Why me? And so many other questions that sound like we think that we (or someone) should have had some control over it. Figure out how to get those questions answered. It’s a key to healing.

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