My Spouse Is Like A Child

There’s a reason your spouse acts like a child. The question is: when will they grow up? And what can you do to help when it seems like they don’t put any effort into it themselves?

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Biblical Reasons For Divorce

What are the Biblical grounds for divorce? Many people who ask this question deeply desire to do God’s will. The answer you get will usually consist of “adultery, abandonment, or abuse” (or some variation of those). But let’s consider how Jesus answers that question.

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Male Leadership (Aligning The Head of the Family With The Rest Of The Body)

There is a lot of pressure in marriages on men to be the leader and on women to be submissive to their husband’s authority. Both wives and husbands can struggle with what this really should look like and it can lead to pointing fingers toward who isn’t doing their job well enough. Let’s take the pressure off and help everyone live up to the way God designed them.

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Unity in Marriage (And Unity In The Church)

Unity. It’s what we’re told marriage is about. Two becoming one. But what does that mean? Agreement? Intimacy? Togetherness? Find out how we do a disservice to our marriage and the body of Christ when we get this wrong.

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Boundaries Aren’t Working? Here’s Why (And What To Do About It)

Have you tried to set boundaries with your spouse and, rather than getting cooperation or change, you get apathy or resistance? If your boundaries aren’t working, here’s why - and what to do about it.

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Submission and the Heart of God

While many declarations have been made on the concept of submission, this article provides a fresh perspective on the word “submit” in the context of the character of God, providing a perspective to free those who are bound to the suffocating legalism that often accompanies the concept of submission in an unhealthy marriage.

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5 Signs That Your Relationship Is In Bigger Trouble Than You Thought

There are some obvious signs that a relationship is in trouble: A spouse having an affair, physical abuse, alcohol or drug addiction, or pornography use - but what if none of those are present and there’s still a sense that you’re stuck? See if you’re experiencing any of these 5 signs that your relationship is in bigger trouble than you thought.

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For Men Only (Relationship Help For Husbands)

Are you a husband wanting desperately to do right by your wife and be a godly man? Men who want to improve their relationship approach their role very differently than their female counterparts (and for good reason - their role is different!). If you’re a man who is needing someone to understand your unique challenges, this article is for you.

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The Best Gift Your Spouse Can Give You

Have you ever approached a holiday, occasion, or celebratory day and thought “All I want is for this day to feel special and not end with someone being upset”? Sometimes the best gift you can get from your spouse on a special occasion is something that isn’t tangible. Here are some ideas to help you get what you really want.

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How God Used Narcissists In The Bible (And Will Your Marriage To a Narcissist Last?)

Have you wondered how your marriage to someone with narcissistic traits is going to work out? What did God do with narcissists in the Bible? Find out how God uses the difficult people in our lives to show us how rich his love for us is.

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When The Love Languages Fail (And Love And Respect Isn't Helping)

Books like the 5 Love Languages, Love and Respect, For Women Only, and His Needs Her Needs aren’t for everybody. If you’re been hoping that a relationship book will make things better and it hasn’t, here’s why - and what to do about it.

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How To Prevent Your Child From Becoming A Narcissist (Even If They Are Being Raised By One)

I get this question a lot: My child’s other parent is a narcissist, and I’m starting to see some of that parent’s traits in my child - how can I help my child avoid becoming a narcissist? The answer is surprisingly simple. Let's take a look.

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